Language of Flowers Series

Genre: Various
Word Count: Growing
Status: Will be updated sporadically, aiming to update daily

Summary: A series of tanka poems inspired by western and eastern languages of flowers

Notes: Tanka (短歌 lit. “short song/poem”) is a type of Classical Japanese poetry, consisting of five lines with the syllable pattern of 5-7-5-7-7. [Note that the upper three lines of 5-7-5 syllables of tanka poetry would become part of the origins of haiku poetry.]

Notes 2: I will be using the meanings assigned to flowers by the Victorian and Japanese languages of flowers for inspiration for this series. I’ll be using this site as my source. Accordingly, I will be going through the flowers alphabetically according to the Japanese hiragana names of the flowers and as listed by the site.

Table of Contents

Indigo「藍」|| Ivy「西洋木蔦」|| Iris「菖蒲」|| Madder「茜」|| Agapanthus「紫君子蘭」|| Acanthus「葉薊」|| Goldenrod「秋の麒麟草」|| Chocolate Vine「木通」|| Floss Flower「大霍香薊」|| Morning Glory「朝顔」|| Thistle「野薊」|| Azalea「西洋躑躅」|| Maidenhair Fern「唐草蓬莱羊歯」|| Hydrangea「紫陽花」[1] [2] || Blue Bugle「西洋十二単」|| China Aster「蝦夷菊」|| Astilbe「泡盛草」|| Japanese Andromeda「馬酔木」|| Cypripedium「敦盛草」|| Windflower「紅花翁草」|| Glossy Abelia「花衝羽根空木」|| Amaryllis「アマリリス」|| Allium「アリウム」|| Alstroemeria「夢百合草」|| Sea Thrift「浜簪」|| Aloe「木立蘆薈」|| Star of Bethlehem Orchid「アングレカム」|| Flamingo Flower「大紅団扇」|| Apricot Blossom「杏」|| Winged Everlasting「貝細工」|| Bishop’s Hat「碇草」|| African Corn Lily「槍水仙」|| Strawberry「苺」|| Roof Iris「一初」|| Ginkgo「銀杏」|| Meadow Saffron「犬サフラン」|| Candytuft「常盤薺」|| Impatiens「アフリカ鳳仙花」|| Common Mallow「薄紅葵」|| Marsh Mallow「薄紅立葵」|| Deutzia「空木」|| Plum Blossom「梅」|| Persian Violet「紅姫竜胆」|| Japanese Snowbell「野茉莉」|| Edelweiss「西洋薄雪草」|| Broom「金雀枝」|| Calanthe「海老根」|| Heath「エリカ」|| Winter Jasmine「黄梅」|| Persian Speedwell「大犬の陰嚢」|| Japanese Snowball「大手毬」|| Nodding Anemone「翁草」|| Sleeping Grass「お辞儀草」|| Marvel of Peru「白粉花」|| Columbine「苧環」|| St. John’s Wort「弟切草」|| Odontoglossum「彗星蘭」|| Star of Bethlehem「大甘菜」|| Golden Lace「女郎花」|| Olive「オリーブ」|| Orange Blossom「甘橙」|| Dancing Lady Orchid「雀蘭」|| Maple「楓」|| Gazania「勲章菊」|| Chinese Banyan「榕樹」|| Baby’s Breath「霞草」|| Dogtooth Violet「片栗」|| Wood Sorrel「酢漿草」|| Cattleya「カトレア」|| Japanese Photinia「要黐」|| Carnation「和蘭石竹」|| Jade Plant「金のなる木」|| Gerbera「花車」|| Linden Arrow-Wood「莢蒾」|| Chamomile「加密列」|| Calla Lily「和蘭海芋」|| Japanese Snake Gourd「烏瓜」|| Kalanchoe「紅弁慶」|| Chinese Quince「花梨」|| Mountain Laurel「花笠石楠花」|| Carolina Jasmine「カロライナジャスミン」|| Canna「カンナ」|| (more coming soon)

(photo source: Joseph De Sciose)